The Born Again Virgin

Luke and Mandy went on their first date. They had been chatting for a few weeks and got along very well. Both were intelligent, funny and attractive. They really had a cool rapport going on. Luke was hooked pretty early on. He appreciated Mandy's carefree spirit, her sense of humor, her ability to blush at his compliments. She was the whole package. Mandy loved Luke's ability to make her smile with his unique humor. He was sweet and engaging. He was a good catch. He could have been a tad skinnier, but Mandy was really trying to be better about not being a shallow shit. Mandy and Luke went on two exceptionally good dates. Luke was hopeful. He was really hoping he and Mandy would eventually have sex. You see, Luke had a story. His story was unique. It was the whole reason Mandy put her shallowness aside and gave Luke a fair chance. Unfortunately, the very reason Mandy took an interest in Luke, was...