The Chick Whisperer

There was this guy.  His name was Erik.  He was average. Not too tall, not skinny.  He didn't work out and he could blend into a crowd.

There was not anything particularly special about Erik. 

Erik's wife divorced him.  The bitch left him for another guy.  She actually told Erik he was inferior in the bedroom.  Her exact words were: "Just so you know, Erik, no one has EVER made me cum harder than him".  (Meaning her cheating lover)

Erik was heartbroken, devastated and his self esteem had plummeted.  He knew he and his wife had had a healthy sex life for all the years they were married, yet one young stud simply ended it all for them.  He pondered, 'how could this ever happen?'

One wild weekend out, Erik met Elaine.  Elaine reminded him that he could still have some fun.  Although, Elaine was ultimately interested in Erik's friend, Erik and Elaine hit it off and eventually became fast friends.  

Elaine listened to Erik's woes and secretly wished good things for him.  She empathized being divorced herself and knew Erik had a good heart and would be okay.  He only needed to heal his fragile spirit.

One day Erik experienced a shift.  He suddenly didn't feel so bad about himself.  He began getting attention from all sorts of women, many were significantly younger than him.

He called Elaine up and told her about his latest conquests.  She also preferred younger men and wanted to hear all the details, as she knew Erik was finally realizing his full potential.

"I just don't understand, Elaine.  I'm not gymongo or anything.  But these women, they can't get enough.  They say they don't want anything physical and than we ultimately have sex and they just want it again and again, at all hours of the night!"

Elaine laughed, but wondered how did he do it? What was it about Erik to draw in so many women? He described how young and hot these women were.  He shared their photos and Erik was absolutely correct.  Each women was hotter and more sexy than the next.

Elaine thought to herself, if Erik was getting all these hot women, what were the really hot guys getting? Elaine was thinking she had some stiff competition out there.

She continued to listen to Erik's tales.  One girl after the next reaching our to Erik and wanting more and more sex. It sounded like the makings of a really funny chick flick.

The best story was about an Asian women who had only been with smaller men and had not had a tremendous amount of sex in her sheltered life. Erik had sex with her once and he popped her hymen, it was quite the bloody scene.  She couldn't get enough of him after that. 

Erik's phone was like a laser show blowing up with texts propositioning him, all telling him he was the best sex they ever had. Many wanted to be in a relationship with Erik.

"I have not had this much action since High School!" Erik expressed his excitement to Elaine. 

"I feel like I am this hot stud, yet I'm barely doing anything.  I'm afraid it'll all just end too soon.  I don't want too get serious with any of these women, because I am having waaaay too much fun"

Erik was the worse kind of player.  He cared about these women and who they were as people, yet he would not commit and didn't know how to play his cards.

"Enjoy the Ride, Erik!" Elaine gave Erik the best advice she knew how.  He gave her excellent insight on why men do what they do.  And she adapted it to her own lifestyle dating 20something year olds.

Appreciate each person for who they are.  
Have fun and live freely.  
We only live once, so don't underestimate the power of your intentions.  
Always Be kind and Be honest.

Erik had transformed all his pain and became:

"The Chick Whisperer" 

He was the same person, yet different.  

He had more mojo in his little finger than in his entire oversized, white penis. 

Believe it and you can be it!

Moral of the story:  

If Men can Be Chick Whisperers, 
Women can be Dick Whisperers.  
Never underestimate your powers over the opposite sex.  


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