Cum On!

Three women were casually talking over Cocktails. Each had a story. Each added something to the conversation. They were each very enthusiastic to listen to one another chat about their latest man conquests. Sometimes it's the smallest details of a conversation that make the story worthy. One iota of truth that pulls everything into perspective. Melinda was with her newest, hot flame. He was really getting her juices flowing. They had the most intense sex, sex she hadn't experienced in quite a while. "You don't understand," she told her girlfriend's. " This is different. We did it everywhere in the house. And I could NOT believe how effortless it all felt. There is just something about him. He is my Tim McGraw and I just can't help myself. I want him all to myself. In fact, after we both cam, we just laid there in our cum juices and snuggled. As if, it was the most natural thing in the world....