The Awful Date

"Why? Why me? Sometimes I really hate dating! For once, why can't I meet a normal guy that just wants to have fun and not be a damn weirdo about shit?" Ashlee vented to her girlfriend over the phone. Kara listened wholeheartedly. She knew exactly what her friend meant. "It's a numbers game, babe! We got to go through the bad ones to get to the good ones!" "I know. It wouldn't have been so bad, if he would have at least told me be was 23, not 32. His profile was wrong. He waited till the end of the night to tell me. That's a total game changer. It was obvious he just wanted to get laid. Sometimes a girl wants a real damn date!" Ashlee unloaded. She was exsapirated with the whole dating process. Kara laughed. "I'll presume he was not fuckable." "Hell No! This is how I gauge these boys: 20somethings you got to be way hot and sexy for me to consider being with you. 30somethings you need...