Chlamydia Alert

"OMG, Maddie! Can you fucking believe what that crazy psychotic bitch is doing now?"

Justine vented to her girlfriend Maddie. As they sat down for Taco Tuesday, Margaritas in hand. 

"Let me guess....hmmmmm, did she jump off a bridge yet?"  Maddie smirked knowing it could never be that simple.

Justine smiled and showed Maddie an email on her phone. 

"She is emailing my male Facebook friends and telling them I sleep around and have Chlamydia. Seriously, does she really think I'd be dating people on my FB page!!? That's just ridiculous!"

Maddie's eyes widened.  "SHE DID NOT!! Who the Fuck does that!?  Does she not have anything better to do? She has truly gone off the deep end."

Justine laughed.  "I know.  I have to laugh, because it's so juvenile and not even true. Condoms are a girl's best friend.  Although, she did promote my blogs, so I should probably thank her for that."

Justine had a way of spinning the most absurd situations into a positive. 

"Bahahahaah!!" Maddie almost choked on her drink, she laughed so hard. "I love you.  I would have most definitely killed her by now. You'd think she'd give this harassment a break by now. Why is she so damn mean?  She harasses a lot of people, she's most definitely unstable."

Justine took a bite of her taco.  Sipped her Margartia and looked at Maddie with a straight face.  "I know, sincerely though, I don't even care who she tries to tell on Facebook.  Everyone knows I don't date old dudes and young guys don't even use Facebook. They're on Snapchat! Duh!!

Maddie's eyes were smiling.

Regardless. Who I have 'romantic' relationships with is none of her damn bees wax.  I bet she is horny and jealous. That girl needs to get LAID!!!"

Both girls cracked up laughing and ordered two more Margaritas. Then they cheers to the Looney Tunes.

Justine had been dealing with this crazy hater girl for a while. She was a mean girl, plain and simple, a self proclaimed CUNT. She had zero joy in her life. 

Maddie and Justine realized this girl had a ton of loss in the past year and she was not coping well. She used her pain to hurt others and she had been unraveling for months.

Maddie looked at Justine with a serious look.  "What are you going to do?"

Justine made a face. The kind that showed she just really didn't care to do anything.

"Everyone knows she's gone off the deep end.  She needs to be committed.  No one listens to crazy these days. She's proven that on her own.  I'm secure with who I am and my reputation. But, most of all, I'm happy. No one can take that away from me."

Maddie smiled.  She understood.  Being single is no walk in the park, but than to have someone jump on your single fun.  Maddie gave Justine props for her good attitude.

Moral of the Story:

If some crazy psychotic bitch sends you messages about STDs, you can bet she's got one herself and is bitter. 


  1. Send her a registration form to enroll herself in a Mental Institution


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