I Want Dibs

"Has Facebook become the new pick up dating app?"

Chystal asked her friend, Melinda, at breakfast one morning. 

"I recently changed my status to single.  And I have been inundated with friend requests from random men.  Many of them are a tad scary!"

Melinda took a sip of her coffee.  She picked up her phone and showed Chrystal her Facebook friend requests over the last two weeks. 

"Yup. You got it! Check that shit out, over 500 requests!

A few are hot.  And I know for a fact a few of these dudes have girlfriends.  I have seen this one at the gym with his girlfriend." 

She points to a very hot looking guy.

One actually called 'Dibs' on me.  WTF? DIBS??!!"

Chrystal grabbed Melinda's phone and started scrolling through the requests. 

"Wow! No shit!"  Her face showed disbelief. 

"Are these guys seriously messaging you out of the blue? Even before you accept their Friend request?"

Melinda looked bored.  She was over it.  "I certainly will not accept their requests.  Some of them are old enough to be my father.  Do they really believe this will get my attention? 

Check that one out with his fish.  Does the boat and big fish make up for his big belly?"   Melinda laughed so hard, she spit our her coffee. 

'How many men do this?' Crystal wondered.
She looked over her own requests, hoping their was at least one worthy guy in the mix.  Of course, all the good looking ones would be taken. 

Crystal saw one guy she actually knew for a fact had a girlfriend, but his Facebook page was different.  Not the same one she orginally had seen him on a few weeks back.  She knew this because she had stalked his page after he tried to take her out. 

"Melinda, check this guy out.  Remember, I told you about him.  The jerk who had a girlfriend and had the nerve to kiss me! He has a second profile and is hitting women up on Facebook.  What is wrong with these men?! Are any men faithful EVER!?!

It makes me want to stay single forever!"

Melinda and Crystal looked at each other and smirked.  It's not as if the girls didn't have their own game in the singles playing field.  

They played little games all the time.  Leading the hopeful souls on and ignoring them constantly.  Throwing them a few comments here and there.  Maybe for the attention, maybe just to see how far they will push to try to date them.

The downside was, when they wanted one of the good ones to stick, it wasn't that easy.  Good quality men were a commodity.  They were often taken or too busy working to worry about picking up good women.

Melinda began to check out the single men on Facebook.  She decided, if she was going to play this 'Facebook Dibs' pick up game, she was going to have some control over the pool of eligible men.

Click. Click. Click.

"There. Done.  I picked the hottest single ones and friend requested them.  Taking control like a man.  I call 'DIBS' on the worthy ones. Now, I'll wait to see how they like it!"

Crystal picked up her phone and did the same.


Both girls giggled.  What a joke, but it certainly felt good to take control. 

Moral of the Story:

All is fair in the dating world.  "HURRY UP AND TAKE DIBBS before all the good ones are taken!"


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