
"What is it about men being desirous of anal sex?"  Barb said to her girlfriend Deb over brunch one Sunday morning. 

"I get that it probably feels better, but does it give men a sense of power knowing they can simply take a woman from behind?"

Barb looked at Deb straight in the eye.  "What is the deal with anal?!?"  The words slipped off her tongue in delight.

Deb, took a sip of her mimosa and smiled wide, "I occasionally wonder, do they have gay tendencies?  Why not venture on the same team?"

Barb nodded in agreement.  "A woman's female parts are warm and moist and so much more satisfying than the alternative."

Barb begins to tell Deb about her "backdoor" encounter from the other night.

"I have been proposition before.  Men eagerly want to go down that road and the answer has always been, 'Hell No!  Seriously, dude? Are my lady parts not enough?'

It's not as if I hadn't experimented in my younger years, in committed relationships of course.  You gotta try it before you knock it, ya know?"

Barb set the stage for Deb.  Deb understood.  She was no stranger to this sexual experience.  It was on the menu from time to time.

Barb continued, "I gave the green light to Connor the other night and I was comfortable enough to actually enjoy it.  It just happened and it really was not a bad experience.  Maybe Connor was just the right size.  Maybe, I had, had just enough to drink.  I chopped it up to a good night and let it all go."

Barb stopped and let Deb absorb her words.

Deb was listening, fully understanding Barbs encounter.  With the right person anal sex can be extremely satisfying.

Barb knew she could trust Deb.  Deb's unphased expression, without judgement, allowed Barb to continue, as her true dilemma was about to surface. 

"But that's the thing, Deb.  Now that I went down this path, I have truly 'let it all go' and it's been a few days.  And seriously, am I suppose to feel itchy? Why the heck is my butt so itchy!?"

Deb looked down at her eggs Benedict that had just been set down in front of her.  She asked for another mimosa as she downed the one she was drinking.  "Make it two please, I think we'll need it."  She looked over at Barb with a smile.

"Barb." Deb looked at Barb reassuringly.  "Yes, that is definitely normal.  It happens, I'm unsure why, but it happens.  You are thoroughly cleansed. You should feel pretty damn amazing."

Barb, thought this over as she took a bite of her eggs and re-adjusted her itchy bum.  She sighed loudly and than laughed as an exceptionally hot guy walks by and makes eyes at Deb

"Check him out!  Would you give him a whirl at the back door?"  Barb asked in half a whisper hoping the hot guy would hear it and come over. 

Deb did a double take on the guys bulging manhood and responded straight faced, "Oh lord No!  That man would break me.  You can only go there with certain men.  They need to be just the right size, not to big and not too girthy for it to even feel remotely good."

Barbs eyes widen. "You are absolutely right.  I don't think I could have handled it if it was my ex.  Connor however was just right."

Both women laughed simultaneously, so loud the hot guy wandered on over to see what all the commotion was about.

Moral of the story:  
"Keep the backdoor on the menu, but only for the right size."


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