
What better way to celebrate a Birthday than with good friends and a token stripper.
It's even better when the stripper doesn't need to be paid because he is friends with your bestie.

In walks Calvin in his designer jeans and expensive pull over.  You may not have guessed, at first glance, he gets paid to take off cop clothes.

However, Kacie knew the minute she laid eyes on him he had something worth paying attention to.  

She watched as he strutted past her, his movements exuding sexuality.  She carefully looked him up and down, taking him all in.  She deliberately made eye contact in the elevator, her mission was set.

This one was going to be fun.

Calvin knew he could get anyone he wanted. He choose Dana.  Dana however could care less. She may have teased Calvin over the last month, however, she wasn't into such young guys and Calvin's timing was off with her, something wasn't right. 

Ironically, Kacie knew she was getting Calvin by default, but that didn't really bother her.  She took some time to chat with stripper boy and felt he was more than just a piece of meat.  Well, of course, she wanted to use that hot body of his for her personal pleasure, but she wanted to know if her man meat could carry on a decent conversation and not be a Total DICK.

She was in luck.  He passed all her marks and the night was just getting started.

The entire group was one to be admired.  Good looks, huge smiles and rockin' personalities made the group dynamic unique.  

By the time they hit the second club everyone was staring wanting to know who these players were.  Shots were bought by strangers left and right. 

Maybe it was how Calvin carried himself. 
Maybe it was Dana's sexy walk.
Maybe it was Kacie's captivating personality. 
Maybe it was the rest of the groups hot dancing, their beauty magnified. Their laughter infectious. 

Whatever their Je ne sais quoi, it attracted attention as well as multiple free shots.

By the time they all made it home Calvin and Kacie were lipped locked, their passion steaming.  They were unable to get an unoccupied bedroom and worked their way to the penthouse balcony, knowing they could get caught at moment.

In an instant Calvin wanted to tear Kacie's clothes off, but Kacie stopped Calvin dead in his tracks. "The penthouse cameras. We can't."

Calvin motioned to the balcony, with the outstanding view, and they proceeded to walk outside, hands all over one another.  

Calvin's ripped body was ideal and so damn sexy. He was truly a fine specimen. Kacie had bragging rights for sure.

Kacie and Calvin were about to have sex when they heard a noise and they both stopped and got quiet.  Calvin's manhood quickly diminished. 

They stood on the balcony for what felt like ten very long minutes.  When the close was clear they went back down to the condo, where they were staying.

Thankfully a room was open and Calvin used his incredible skills on Kacie.  She truly felt he was one of the best she had ever experienced.  She was nearly about to cum when he stopped suddenly.  His head still between her legs. 

Fuck she thought.  He had passed out. One too many shots for this boy.  He was dead weight between her legs.  She quickly finished herself off and slittered out from under him. 

God Damn!!


When given the chance to be with a smokin' hot playboy, easy on the shots and heavy on the foreplay. 


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