Grow and Show

Dee and Layla were best of friends.

Layla had a hot new boy toy she wanted to show off to Dee.  She told him he needed to cook them dinner before they went out that night, maybe he'd get lucky with both of them.

Layla chuckled at the thought. She damn well knew Dee would never, EVER, go there.  They simply didn't do those things, but they had fun teasing the men in their lives.  They were all so hopeful too.

While waiting for Boy Toy, they laughed and drank and were looking forward to a fun evening out. 

"What time is this kid coming?" Dee asked.  "I'm starving and its getting late."

Boy Toy finally showed up, but not necessarily prepared to cook dinner.  Strike number one. Such a lame excuse too. 

Layla was a tad more forgiving, but Dee was not happy.  She gave him a hard time.

Boy Toy decided to jump in the shower, his hopeful soul conveniently left his clothes on the kitchen counter. 

In the meantime, the girls sat outside on the beachside balcony.  They were cracking up.

"Is he for real? He is so forward." Dee was amused, but also shocked by his antics.  The boy had zero game, and he didn't know it.  She understood why Layla kept him around.  Layla had needs and they were so hard to maintain with just anyone.

They soon realized the curtains and blinds were opened on the bedroom side of the balcony.  Dee waved Layla over for a peak.  The girls' eyes widened.

There he was, in all his naked glory, strutting himself in front of the bathroom mirror.  The girls looked at one another laughed and looked again.  Dee commented.  "What? NO ABS!? Layla!! What are you doing!!?"

Boy Toy did not see them, as he opened his towel one last time to check out his grower.  He really was very in love with himself and he truly believed he would get a threesome that evening.  

Poor, hopeful, Boy Toy soul. 

Dee and Layla quickly moved to the other side of the balcony.  Just in time before they could be spotted gawking at the Layla's man meat.  He was visibly disappointed to see the kitchen empty when he grabbed his clothes from the kitchen counter, barely holding his towel up.

Dee looked at Layla.  "Whatcha think should we give him a show or go?"  They decided to give the kid a break and leave. 

Hopeful maintained the theme of the evening.  Layla got a little too drunk and pushed Boy Toy away with her bullshit drunk talk, she was a bit much that evening.  She was a tad disappointed, but knew it was for the best.  

Any guy who needed to strut his shit in the mirror to build up his ego wasn't really worth holding on to. Big egos are really not her thing. 

Moral of the story:

If you


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