A Soft Specimen

Deanna, Alicia and Morgen were sitting on Deanna's balcony.

It was a gorgeous day, the sun was shining and they each had a glass of their favorite red wine.

Each women had exited a fling or relationship with one of those men who women love to talk about.  They all had something ridiculously shitty to share about the ex. 

Whether or not they really cared about how things ended was not the point. 

The best part of a breakup is throwing the asshole directly under the bus. It's what women do when they get together.  It's like a law! 

Alicia could not wait to share the dirty little secrets she had on her fucker of an ex.  They shared a child together, and all they did was fight, it was exhausting.  He was a relentless mess of a man whore. 

"My 'Dick' was stupid enough to get caught cheating with other women.  WTF?  Did he not think people would tell me they saw him out with other women? Not to mention the ones who flat out approached me about him.  

Alicia rolled her eyes as she spoke her peace.

"He lied all the time about everything. He lied so much his nose grew 6 inches from the moment we met till the moment I blew his shit up and kicked his ass out.  His nose was most certainly bigger than his dick."

She almost spit out her red wine laughing, her words raw with irony.  

"I truly do not understand why men have this need to lie constantly.  We always find out the truth - ALWAYS!"

Alicia took a big sip of her wine and smiled wide.  It felt good to open up to these girls.  They ALL nodded in agreement.  They ALL understood.

Morgen was next.  "Omg, how fascinating!! 

She spoke in her most sarcastic tone. 

"My 'Dick,' was exactly the same way.  However, he had the balls to prance me around his ex girlfriend, at their community pool.  He had the audacity to flirt with her and then start a fight with me. 

I was so furious, I left.

That little shit fucked her that same night, after being with me the entire weekend.  SO DAMN DISGUSTING!!"

Morgen's eyes were firey fierce and she looked over at Deanna with a devilish grin.  

"He had us all fooled didn't he?"  The words rolled off Morgen's tongue in delight. 

Deanna, nodded in agreement.  She sheepishly knew she needed to share her bombshell next.

"My 'DICK' got me pregnant and then stiffed me for more then half the abortion money. 

The girls looked at Deanna wide eyed!  

"NO HE DIDN'T!"  They chimed in unison. 

"YES HE DID!!!"  

Deanna paused with a knowing smile. 

She knew the girls had no idea about the pregnancy, but they all knew he could afford to pay her for a termination. 

"It really pissed me off.   He just pretended he gave a shit, but he truly only cared about one thing, HIMSELF!!!

The craziest part is he could barely keep his dick hard the entire time we were together.  How the fuck he got me pregnant is beyond me!!"

The girls laughed so hard they could barely contain themselves.  They all had experienced the SAME EXACT THING.

"He claimed it was his medication, but I sincerely think he had some deeper psychological issues. Something was just off about this dude."

The three girls clinked their glasses!

"TO THE DICK!!!" They announced. 


Moral of the Story:

When your ex-girlfriends talk, 
they will surely agree on one thing.  

If You're A Dick,

You will ALWAYS be A Dick.

But, nothing is worse then 
A Soft Dick! 


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