Ez Cum - Ez Go

Four lovely ladies sat together at a lovely sushi dinner.

One spoke of an upcoming job interview.

The second was planning a trip to the nude beach to gaze at naked young fishermen.

The third chatted it up about a new male prospect she was anticipating nailing down.

And the fourth rambled a bit about a semi successful break up.  If there is a such a thing.

"I'll go on the nude beach with you." said number four to number one.  "Anytime you want. You just say the word.  Young naked fisherman are my thing."
Number one smiled and laughed.  Recalling the hot young number she tried to take a photo of that fine day.

Lady number two, the youngest of the four, is amazed at how free the other three speak of their lives, as if no one can hear them at the neighboring tables.

Number three is finally trying to settled down.  She is smitten with her latest conquest. She shared a few tib bits.  "He has so many layers. I want to know ALL of him."  As she glows with the thought of never having to date, nor swipe, again. 

Number four is pessimistic.  "It's always great in the beginning.  We think it can be greatness,  however reality sets in and all of a sudden, you think, 'What the fuck am I doing? This is all bullshit.'

Number four had ended her latest man-fest over text.  It was the right thing to do.  Great sex and emotions can not be intertwined.  Clear boundaries must always be drawn.

She felt good. Relieved.

Number three was convinced it wasn't over.  "He'll be back." she said.  "Watch!"

"Hell No!  There is no reason.  The guy has other prospects he can pursue."

Number 4 did not like being second to any other female.  It was either all her or nothing.  She made that clear early on.

"He had to go.  I am satisfied I did what was best.

Anyway, there were these issues, these red flags which I totally dismissed snuggled up in his arms.  I kept wanting to pretend they didn't really exist. "

Number three looked at her with wide eyes, "I thought you really liked this one."

Number one and two listened intently.  Here come the dirty details.  It was always an adventure eating with these two

"Weeeeeelll, he was a bit feminine, his voice was weirdly irritating and his eyes were a little crazy during sex, especially in the beginning, but when I closed my own eyes I pretended not to notice. 

Number four paused, looked at her ladies faces and grinned. Her next comment spoken boldly.

"The things a girl will do to get laid these days."

All three ladies were waiting for the zinger.  They watched as number four continued on with her story.

"Yes, he is lucky I didn't ditch him the first night we sealed the deal.  What part of, 'I have my period' did he not understand? As in, 'there's a tampon up my lady parts.'

Yes, he was so damn excited, before I knew it, we were having sex.  All I could think was, 'Holy Shit, I hope I get this damn thing out of me or this boy is going fishing. Thank Gawd he came quickly!"

All four women laughed so hard, one spit out her water.

"Why the heck did you stick around?" Number one asked.

"I don't know, he had this sweet, warm snuggly side and the sex was really worth it once we got over that weird, first time hump.

But seriously, I couldn't trust him.  I am sure he was talking and seeing other girls.  It's the nature of the online dating world these days.  I like to be number one. (Not necessarily in story telling)  And if I can't get that, well, game over."

I made that clear from the beginning.

Its was fun while it lasted.


"So now what?" Asked number three.

Number one sighed, "Back to swiping I suppose.  Eventually the right one will stick and for all the right reasons."

Moral of the Story:

If it seems too good to be true, it most definitely is.  
And never trust a guy whose eyes bulge during orgasm.


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