Cronicles of a Sex Goddess - I

"I need my pussy on it's 'A Game' and have it perfect for "insert name here"

Yes, Sex Goddess was at it again.

She knew what and who she wanted at any given moment in time.  Don't let her fool you though, as innocent and cool as she seems to her men, they are all just pawns in the bigger picture. 

They are her conquests.

They are her hoes.

They are her manmeat.

She plays, and she plays well.  They all think they are number one.  They all think she will settled down with them, but just as she gets her hope's up on one, another captures her attention in what seems to be moments.

She gives 100% of herself, she gives sincerely with goodness, and then she casually flakes without a care in the world. 

How did she become this sexy creature of hope, squashing every man's dream of forevermore?

Every man had something to offer.  They all have at least one worthy quality.  At least one worthy trait worth holding on to, if even for a minute.

These traits are not about big dicks and fine abs. (Although some have extremely hot bods)

It is also about their personalities, how they treat her, how they make her feel in and out of the bedroom.
Many are the whole package, others are a partial package. (No pun intended) However, none are capable of holding her attention for long.  

Why is this sex goddess so fickle.  
Why is she unable to give her all to any one lucky piece of manmeat?

Let's discuss one particular dude. We will call him Denny.  Denny was someone Sexgoddess was truly intrigued with.  Although, he was significantly younger, there was a strong, undeniable connection between the two.  Their chemistry was off the charts. They both felt as if they had known one another forever, almost as if they had cross paths in a prior life. (If you believe in that stuff)

Maybe they were soul connected, maybe lovers torn apart by war or tragedy.  Maybe they never fulfilled a prior sexual love that was meant to be?

Regardless of the whys, they both understood, yet Sexgoddess still could not give of her herself fully.

The sex she oozed for this young stud was passionate and extremely exhilarating, but unfortunately their unfulfilled love would remain just that, unfulfilled.

She would still enjoy sex with him, but her attention was spread thin. She had new, fresh meat to conquer. One pure young heart at a time.

Stay Tuned for more tales of the Sex Goddess in future End Of Dating Chronicles



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