The Award Winning Toy

"Wait, wait, say it again?"

The 4 sisters were laughing so hard, they almost spit out their wine, margarita, mixed drinks and whatever the hell else they were drinking. 

Sister #2 repeated it one more time, she was the creative, free spirit of the foursome. 

"I gave the lotion to the creature in the ditch to rub it."

I have no idea what I'm talking about, it just came to me. 

"Who is the creature? Why a ditch and where are we rubbing the fucking lotion?"

The girls hadn't all been together for quite a while.  When they did these annual trips it always filled their love and laugh tanks.

Sister #4 pipes in, "Did you hear about the award winning sex toy?

The one that was kicked out of the show?
Apparently, the toy was too gender specific towards women."

Sister #4, the youngest, was always in the know on everything and anything sex related.  

Sister #1, the most political of the four, was flipping out, "That's just ridiculous.  What the hell would they even make a rule like that.  What kind of bias fucks are running that show?"

The alcohol was getting to her, her voice had escalated as she made her point.

The girls googled the Toy. A myriad of sex toys appeared on their screens.  "Oh my!" sister #3 was the quiet one, "How do you even use half these contraptions?  I hope they come with directions."

The other sisters giggled.  All knowing, that sister #3 most definitely, never used a sex toy in her life. 

"We should get you on the waiting list!"  Sister #2 perked up. 

Before sister #3 had a chance to dispute the idea, sister #4 was already typing in her email. "There ya go. Award winning sex toy to be delivered at your front door.  Once they go into production that is.

With all this hype, they'll be selling like hot cakes."

"Like sexy hot mamma cakes!"

"Like damn, that shits good, hot mamma cakes!"

"Like give me 2 of those, damn that shits good, hot mamma cakes!"

The 4 sisters continued on, laughing, drinking and appreciating one another with no filter and no judgments.

Moral of The Story:

Never take for granted the value of time or money well spent.  
Especially for an 'award winning' sex toy. 


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