The Chick Whisperer - Part Trois - MIND F*CK

The Chick Whisperer is at it again.  Check out his story line from prior blog posts.

This male seducer may have finally met his match with his Asian counterpart.  She reappears in his life out of the blue, demanding a Valentine's day 'shebang'.

She wants roses and romance and all the crazy sex she can get from the Chick Whisperer, as he and only he, can give it to her like no one else can.

She slithered back into his life making him question his appearance, his motives and his emotional well being.  She plays with his head, wanting hours and hours of sex, all night long, than leaves him hanging, wondering if he'll be able to keep up with her high sex drive. 

He ultimately ended it many months ago.  The demand was simply too much.  As exciting as the chemistry and connection was with this hot little Asian dime piece, he had to let her go.

Now she is back in full force and his life has been turned upside down.  He is jumping through hoops thinking of the best Valentine's day extravaganza to blow her mind and make her want him and only him.

He wants to play on her emotions. Make her the one begging, twisted up, needing him. However, it is difficult to unravel his own emotions about being with this multifaceted woman.  

She somehow has an emotional and physical hold on him. 

He loves the tornado of the relationship.

The tug of war on control. 

The craziness of her bluntness and brutal honesty in every aspect of who they are together.

He comes up with the most romantic of romantic Valentine's evenings. The kind that will surely make her beg for his man parts all night long.  

Money is no object when it comes to this vixen, who will eat him alive, if he allows it.

Think about it.   A gorgeous Inn. A $500 5star dinner. 5 boxes of rose pedals. 70 roses. A bubble bath in the claw tub to bathe her.  Champagne. Chocolate strawberries. Homemade cosmos. Weed. The privacy game.  

All the intimacy any female could want. 

He will plan a fake proposal at the restaurant near the quaint, but exclusive bed and breakfast, where they will be staying.   Roses and rose pedals will be scattered everywhere.  She will be in awe of his thoughtfulness and the time he will take to plan each and every detail of the day into the evening. 

 At dinner he will tell her how much he loves their 'love making' and hand over a Tiffany's box with an over sized, fake, flashing trade show diamond ring.  The kind that a child would play with.

He will ooze with beautiful words and watch her eyes light up as she melts at the grand gesture.  Until, all at once, he smiles, opens the box as the ring flashes brightly.

What do you think this young woman will do? 

Cry? Scream? Laugh? or 
Storm out of the restaurant in a rage?  

Chick Whisperer is no idiot.  He will, of course, follow with a stunning piece of real jewelry.  That is, of course, if she holds out after the punch line.   Stay Tuned......

Moral of the Story:

If your going the Play, 
Always be prepared to Get Played.  
Regardless of how great the sex is.


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